Our mission is to make camp accessible for all families. Costs are rising. As a non-profit, we are experiencing similar surges. Many families will be able to pay for this increase, but financial situations and abilities to pay for camp differs between households. In an effort to minimize the financial impact on families, we have reinstituted 4 Tiers. We use a tiered based pricing system to create a more equitable cost for our diverse community. Please choose the tier that is most suitable for your family. All children will have the same experience. Tier selections are confidential and applied while registering.
TIER A - Based on the True Cost of campers participating in the selected programs. It includes direct expenses, field trips, buses, special guests and long-term wear and tear. If you are able to pay this amount, please do so.
TIER B - A more heavily subsidized rate (7.5% discount of each traditional camp session) for families whose children may not be able to attend camp otherwise. If you’re unable to afford Tier A, please pay this amount. Thank you.
TIER C - A more heavily subsidized rate (14% discount of each traditional camp session) for families whose children may not be able to attend camp otherwise. If you’re unable to afford Tier A, please pay this amount. Thank you.
Submit the Open Doors application along with the Care 4 Kids (C4K) application.
Provide your most recent tax return and one month of pay stubs.
Submit your Care 4 Kids Application.
Open Doors applications will not be processed without the C4K application or if any required sections are missing. Care 4 Kids (C4K) is a state-funded program that helps low- and middle-income families in Connecticut offset childcare costs. C4K often provides more assistance than Open Doors, potentially lowering your total payments. If C4K support is less than Open Doors funding, your payments will not increase.
Mid Fund - Thanks to a generous donor we are able to provide funding for middle income families through Mid-Fund financial assistance. This fund was created specifically for families with a household income between $80,000 and $120,000 who do not qualify for financial aid but still find it difficult to pay for camp, especially due to layoffs or unforeseen circumstances. Families that are interested in hearing more about mid-fund should contact our Camp Registrar, Rools Elysee at 860-342-2267 or relysee@midymca.org.